Wednesday, June 9, 2010


1574. This is quite a large number.
Do you have 1574 of anything?
How about buttons in your sewing room
or lego,
or how many times you've thought about what to make for dinner.
Do you even know 1574 people on a first name basis?
How about well enough to put them as a contact in you phone?
Apparently my husband does.
He has, no joke, 1574 different contacts in his cell.

It is a running joke with us that wherever we go we run into someone hubby knows.
In an aisle at the grocery store in Hawaii? Yes.
In the airport coming home from Mexico? Yes.
On top of Whistler? Yes.
On a flight home from Winnipeg? Yes.

When I bought my bluetooth for the van the telus guy was telling me about how it downloads your contacts from your cell. He stopped talking and chuckled saying "Well, not Perry's phone. Probably can't handle that many numbers."
Even telus man had never seen that many contacts in a cell before, and thats saying something.

What can I say? I guess he's a personable kinda guy.

I wish it were the number of times I didn't have to clean the bathroom.

Thanks for stoppin' by!


Kristi said...

that confirms it. Perry does know everybody!
crazy stuff!

Lynn said...

Wow! Friendly guy! That is a lot of contacts. ; D