Wednesday, September 10, 2008

If you could buy happiness, it's at Costco for $249.99

Ok, so my house is not a disaster.
I keep it as tidy as I can.
Most of the time.
For about the last month or so though, I'd be done cleaning and not happy with how my house looked. The paint is 5 years old, but not super bad. The windows are clean. The light fixtures are clean. I don't get it. Yes, my carpets need cleaned. Always. Whoever put cream colored carpets in the enrtry way, hall and Living room obviously did not have 4 boys. I don' know why we haven't changed them yet. So, afer looking at my house after I was done cleaning and not happy, I decided the carpets needed cleaned. Off to Costco, and hence the $249.99 for a new carpet cleaner. I could have had someone come and do them, but it would have cost the same and I'd have to keep paying it everytime I wanted clean carpets.
WOW!!! My carpets are clean and I walk into the room and just stand and admire them! My house feels clean again! YAH!!!


Lynn said...

LOL! Oh, if HAppy day! IT's amazing what the little things will do to create our happy moods. : D

Can we see a pic of your nice shampooed carpets?

erin said...

oh Kaylani! I was thinking the exact same thing about my carpets! I'm going to Costco!

Megan said...

Hi!! Long time no hear!! It was great to get caught up on your blog and see the pics of your kids - growing up fast - crazy how that happens - I really, really want to freeze my kids the age they are RIGHT now - sigh - glad you got your carpets cleaned - maybe you could come visit me and bring you carpet cleaner with you!!!! Have a good day.