Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Holy Cow!

Well. Ryan and Perry went shoe shopping the other day because Ryan's shoes were falling apart. They ended up buying a size 7 mens runner for him. Perry said he was surprised they were so big, but I really didn't think anything about it. Perry is a size 9, and his brothers are all close to that even though they range in height from about 6'1" to 6'4". Still, I didn't think anything of it...UNTIL...Noah was reading the bottom of my flip flops that said mens - 7, womens - 9. Then, he asked if these shoes were Ryan's or mom's? HOLY COW - we have the same size feet!!! When did that happen? To top it off, Noah's new shoes are size 6 1/2. I'm sure they will both be taller than me soon, too!

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