Saturday, January 19, 2008


A conversation with my four year old:

me - "Hey Cam, do you want to go to Costco?"

Cam - "No."

"Please? I need someone to come and keep me company."


"We'll get chicken fingers and fries and gravy and a pop."

"No. Hey mom, I like you best than dad. You are super fun."

"Thanks Cam."

"Can I stay up late tonight?"

"Nope. Do you want to go to Costco with me?"

"I said I don't like Chicken Thumbs."

"We could look at the Wii games."

"Ok. What kinda pop do they have?"

Sweet success.
(Sorry about the snotty nose in the pic.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well aren't you just sneaky! I laughed out loud when I read that. That Cam is too funny.