Tuesday, January 22, 2008

What I don't have a picture of

Guess what I did last night?
A friend of mine ( we have been friends for 13 years !) was in town last night. Her school sent her to a conference here for the next 2 days (she is a school counselor), so they put her up at the Delta. I met her at the mall (where else??), we did some shopping, went for dinner, then hung out in the hot tub at the Delta. Very fun! I had to sleep over as it was a HUGE bed, and comfy, comfy pillows. I got home in time for Perry to go to work. I'm not sure what the boys had for breakfast, but I'm pretty sure they won't die from it. The dishes are now in the dishwasher and I can get on with my day, rested and happy! I can't believe it was 13 years ago that we were neighbours. Through many moves, pregnancies, miscarriages, job changes, infants, toddlers, teenagers (how did that happen?), hard times, good times, we have been friends during it all. I cherish my time with Angie and am so happy we are friends! Love ya babe!


Kristi said...

you are a lucky girl! fun to hang out with an old friend- and a hot tub, and a night without kids! wowsa!

Angie said...

Luvs ya too