Thursday, December 11, 2008

Guess what I'm doing tomorrow

Cooking. Not Christmas baking or yummy cookies, but cooking. I went to put something in one of our freezers and was greeted with the "Oh, somethings not frozen" smell. I have completely thawed burgers, roasts and a partially thawed turkey. I was going to clean the freezer out sometime soon, but the time seems to be tomorrow! On the plus side, I can make a bunch of freezer meals with it and put them in our new freezer and use them when we have company next week. It'll all work out. I think maybe the old freezer was getting tired of being called the "old freezer" instead of our first, or original, or smaller freezer.

~Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Oh man! THat is NOT fun!

But happy to see that you see the positive side of things. I bet your house smells great with all those freezer dinners cooking!