Sunday, December 14, 2008


So I really don't have anything wonderful to tell you - I'm just procrastinating doing the dishes. Boy its cold here! I'm not to excited about this weather. I hope it doesn't last long! Perry was in Phoenix over the weekend and golfed in shorts. No, no, I'm happy for him, really...not jealous at all!

I'm going shopping tomorrow at THE MALL. Yes, I'm crazy, but totally looking forward to it! Mostly because I'm getting stuff for our trip, and that's exciting! We had to buy some new luggage because we didn't have enough for everyone. Costco had this great bag on sale and so I picked up 5! Who needs that much luggage LOL! They are perfect though for the boys, and they are a bit smaller that what I have, so I needed one, too!

Noah plays on a division 2 hockey team. Yesterday the coach from the div 1 team called him and asked if he would play a game in Lacombe with them. Noah was so excited to be asked. I took Noah and Cam and we watched the game - it was awesome! Noah scored a goal and looked like he fit right in. I was pretty impressed with the team- they gave Noah a round of applause in the change room because he did so good and to say "Thanks for coming!". When we were leaving about 7 or 8 different parents thanked Noah for coming and even thanked me for bringing him. This hockey business is crazy! The parents are so into it and cheer like crazy during the game. O yah - they won 5-2!

Well, I suppose I should go get my dishes done because Perry's brother and his family get here tomorrow night. Yikes! Is it Christmas already??

~Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

WOW! Looks like you've got a REAL hockey player on your hands. SO cool!

Have fun shopping for your trip. Any room in that new luggage for me? LOL!