Monday, December 29, 2008


We leave the country in 9 hrs. 2.5 of those hours involves being at the airport. I still have to pack for myself, pack the kids play stuff bag, tidy the house, take the garbage out and sleep. Yowzers!! I was doing so good, but then I had to run to my sisters to borrow and play pen and I got sucked into THE MALL. I was just going to run in, but I didn't surface for 4 hrs!! It was fun, though. I got a really cute swim suit for $26. And some lovely body cream from Bath and Body Works. And a top from Lulu. That's about it. Good times!

Tonight I was making Cam try on shorts before I packed his bag and Kai got really into it. He'd go to the drawer, pull out either a shirt or shorts, then lift his arms or legs until I helped him put them on. It really was cute! When the drawer was empty he had on 3 pairs of shorts, his regular long sleeved shirt, 2 muscle shirts, a swim shirt and a button up shirt I got at the Dominican last winter. He looked like he gained ten pounds! I wish I had a picture but the camera was already packed.

Well, have a great New Years and I'll see you in '09!

~Thanks for stopping by!


Lynn said...

And you are still smiling and showing excitement! AMAZING! I would be panicking. LOL!



Kristi said...

hope you have so much fun! can't wait to hear about it when you are back!