Monday, February 4, 2008

We're Back!

Ok, so last Sunday morning Perry looked out the window at the blowing snow, checked the weather forecast (-45 with wind chill, whats up with that?) and promply booked us a trip to Varadero, Cuba, leaving about 20 hours later. Needless to say, the stars aligned (in the form of 3 wonderfully magnificient SIL's who watched my children for me) and I was able to join Perry. We endured about an 80 degree temperature change when we got there from when we left here. I say endured, but that really has a negative feeling to it. We looked forward to, we enjoyed, we 80 degree temp change! We were blessed with beautiful weather the whole week we were there - high 20 to low 30s everyday. A person can't ask for better than that! I'm going to post pictures and tell you more (like the reason the cuban tour guide thinks our divorce rate is 50%) on Wednesday. For now I'm going to find my toothbrush and then crash (I'm still on Cuban time - 2 hours ahead). Tomorrow I'm going to hook up with one of my wonderfully magnificient SIL's to get my two youngest children back, then on Wednesday I'll post again! Until then - happy days and keep warm!


Kristi said...

speaking of toothbrushes, I have 2 extras here, in case your boys are wondering!

Lynn said...

LOL! Welcome back! What a nice husband you have. Sounds like a gorgeous place to go. Can't wait to see pictures and hear more.

Angie said...

Wow... Sounds amazing! I am curious to know the cuban's perspective about why the divorce rate is so high. Something a school counsellor should know? :)