Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I did it!! I registered for a 1/2 marathon!! Call me crazy! (I'm secretly excited!) Supposedly Perry's cousin, brother, SIL and Dad are running this race in Victoria in October. I htink it's October...I should check my calender, I may be booked already! So far I am the only one registered so they need to get on that! I'm actually already looking forward to a weekend away! Check out the race here.
Have a great day!


erin said...

you are a bigger person than me! I HATE to run! I'm sure you'll do get though!

Lynn said...

Cool! Way to go! What an awesome goal. I am just tired just thinking about all that running. Keep us posted on how your progress is until then. BTW--What is a 1/2 Marathon? 1/2 the course? 1/2 the time? Just curious. Sounds interesting.

kaylani said...

a 1/2 marathon is half the distance of a full marathon. 13km instead of 26. Or something like that. I guess I should find out!