Tuesday, March 3, 2009

a few more pictures to share...then I'm done, for sure!

This is the view from our favorite spot at the pool. I got tired of waking up early so I could get a spot at the beach when here we always got the beds we wanted no matter when we got there! There is a bar at the top right of the picture that you can't see, and waiters to bring you food and drinks. No wonder we love it there!

At Ocean World there is a huge aquarium in front of the casino entrance. I saw fish in there bigger than anywhere else! (Not including the shark watching we did a few years ago!)
Everytime we passed this sign it made us laugh, and we could never time it right to get a picture without the trees in the middle. It says "If you can read this, you can work here, looking for english speaking people". You know when you call Panasonic to find out why your phone isn't working...I bet your call ends up here! Or somewhere similiar.
These boys had machetes and they lobbed off the ends of a coconut to give to you. I'm pretty sure they didn't have a license for the knives. They don't look old enough to use such big knives, do they?
This picture makes me laugh! I think its funny. I was laying on the bench with my head on Perry's lap when we were on the yacht. The sun was bright so I was covering my face with my hat. Perry was being lazy and took the picture without moving. It was pretty comfy, as things considered. I think I like this picture because it makes my legs look skinny!
~Thanks for stopping by!


Lynn said...

Yikes! Those knives are HUGE!

Yikes! Those legs are skinny! : D

Great pics. Keep sending. I am loving this tour.

jessica said...

at first, I thought who is that?? THen I realized it was you, and boy have you lost weight. Not that you didn't look great before, but you're right your legs do look very skinny! yah you!

catharooni said...

i believe the correct term is "sexy momma" ...

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see you in person!!! you do look GREAT! skinny skinny girl!!way to go! Leanne