Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I'm in a funk.

And I can't get out. I don't feel like doing anything. I don't want to make dinner, or clean the toilet or go grocery shopping or tidy the boys bedroom. Ugh. I think this is what they mean by the wintertime blues. What do you do to fix this??


Anonymous said...

Service . . . I get SAD most winters and the last one that was really bad, I found someone who needed me, and made myself available to her . . . snapped me out of the winter blues and built an incredible friendship to boot! Good luck girl, and know that I'm praying for you! :)

Lynn said...

I was going to say the same thing (sort of) as Kate. I find that if I get out and do something for someone else, then all of a sudden my "to do list" sounds really good. Good luck!

Janine said...

Wow, and I was going to say chocolate and a shopping spree. I'd take their advice though. :)

catharooni said...

forget service. hide until april.

but seriously, there is something to be said for service pulling you out of a funk.

another good trick? imagining what the house and your life will look like if you don't snap out of it!!

and finally ... giving yourself a day to veg and then get back to it with gusto!!