Monday, March 16, 2009

I'm addicted!

I love the show on TLC "What Not to Wear" !!!! It is on 3 times a day and because I haven't been watching it for long none of them are repeats. I don't watch 3 times a day and so I have a whole lotta shows on my DVR, but I can't wait to get to them all!

On the show they pick one person whose friends/whoever nominated them. Stacey and Clinton follow them around for 2 weeks to get an idea of how they are dressing and get video to show back to the person. The person has to go to New York for a week (I know, big hardship) let Stacey and Clinton critique/throw out their whole wardrobe, then shop with a visa loaded with $5000. Pick me, pick me! On the second day of shopping S&C join them to help. (I'd pay for that!) Then they get a hair and make up make over.

I think the single best thing I like is that Stacey and Clinton are not telling you to lose 5 lbs then shop for this...but rather "this is your body shape, this is how to dress it best". I learn new things each time I watch! I just got their book out of the library and can't wait to read some more!

Go check it out~ you won't be disappointed! (This is a gerat show to watch while you are on the elliptical)

1 comment:

catharooni said...

i have been a fan(atic) for a loooooong time ... i may show up on your doorstep for a marathon session some day ... (smiles) ...