Monday, March 16, 2009

so cute

Today at Cam's school it was Student Led Conferences. This follows their report card and is a chance for the children to show their parents what they have been working on in kindergarten. Perry likes to go to the school for these events because as a general rule I am there more on a daily basis. Cam really wanted me to go as well, but as always, there was another boy who had to be somewhere else at the same time. I got the camera out for Cam and asked him to take some pictures of the special things that he wanted to show me. This is the exact spot Cam sits every morning while they get the day started. How cute is that that this is one of his pictures? I love it! I also got to see a craft he made, the weather chart and the table he sits at to work. I have to say it was a brilliant solution to send the camera with him! Perry said Cam had a great time showing him stuff then taking a picture for mom!
~Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

Janine said...

I love that idea, fantastic Kaylani!