Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A little Creativity..

This is Julie's card for our color challenge this month for stampers group. Too cute! She has the best ideas!
Totally off topic...Sugarland has a new song out that I LovE! it is called "All I want to do" and if you happen to catch it on the radio stay and sing along with it. It's catchy and will make you smile!
I have no idea why this card is sideways because in My Pictures it is not. I can't get it to rotate. Oh well, use your imagination!
If you click on the picture and enlarge it you will notice he has a hurt toe. This one is for a brother of mine....Cam said when he is feeling better he can turn the card sideways and the boy will be standing again. That made me LOL!
One of my BFF's daughter came over and made invites for her birthday party. The sun and waves are sparkly and I think she did a great job! Way to go Afrika!!

~Time for a new post!

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