Monday, February 11, 2008

3 Things

Happy Monday!

I decided today to list 3 good things and 3 not so good things about my Monday.


1) It beautiful outside! High of -2, and I'll take it! Last weekend was awful. I really hate the cold. I'm pretty sure that my body was wired for warm weather. The other day Perry and I were talking about who our boys were going to marry - just generic stuff - no actual names or anything. Too funny. Perry was laughing because he thinks one of the boys will marry someone I don't like. I laughed right back and said it wouldn't matter because I was going to retire somewhere warm anyways so there would only be short visits. And really, what was he thinking? Of course we'll get along with our daughter in laws, even if it kills me. But back to the weather...a shiny, bright and glorious morning. Good thing to because I kicked my dog outside for a bit...but thats for the not so good list later.

2)I went to the gym this morning, and Kai didn't cry the whole time he was in the childcare! This is a definite improvement. I think I have my SIL to thank for this. When Perry and I went to Cuba Leanne took Cam and Kai for us. Maybe Kai is used to be passed around now and going to childcare at the gym is no big deal anymore. I'll have to test my theory again tomorrow.

3) I love raspberrys (but only if I don't have to pick them) and at Safeway this morning they had the best looking berries so I bought a bunch. Noah and I ate them all at lunchtime - they were sooo good! I wish I had more. Maybe tomorrow after the gym...back to Safeway - I don't usually shop there because they are so expensive, but it is in the same parking lot as the gym, and I had a gift certificate for there (I have no idea who it was from - Perry came home with it from work). Did you know that they pack your bags for you, and they pushed my cart to my vehicle for me because I was holding Kai and encouraging Cam along, and she loaded them into the back for me. I thought I had died and went to heaven. Who knew anyone still did this? I will definitely go back to Safeway if I need $75 milk. (Because when you need milk and you go to the store, who only buys milk?)

Here's a few pictures for you...

Kai at the ball pit in WEM Galaxyland.

This is Brooklyn at christmas. Cam took the picture with his new camera that uploads to the computer and everything. He loves it! Our screen saver is pictures from My Pictures and everytime a picture from Cam's camera comes up he gets so excited. Definitely his most used present!

So, this post ended up longer than I intended and now Cam is anxious to go do crafts. Perfect for me because Kai just went down for a nap so we can go to the craft room and Cam can paint while I organize. I just got some new cabinets for my room that I am so excited about! I'll post a picture when it's all done. Oh - I'll list my 3 not so good things a bit later. TTYS!

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